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  • 名称:建筑三维模拟设计软件(英文版)
  • 所属栏目:建筑软件
  • 资料大小:35.1 MB
  • 下载次数:206
  • 资料类型:建筑软件
  • 更新时间:04-19
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  • Tag:工程软件下载   


建筑三维模拟设计软件(英文版) 中文名: 建筑三维模拟设计软件
英文名: Pixelplan Flow Architect Studio 3D
资源格式: 压缩包
版本: v1.3.11
发行时间: 2011年
制作发行: Pixelplan S.C.语言: 英文
软件介绍:Flow Architect Studio 3D 是一款建筑三维模拟设计软件。

PIXELPLAN流建筑师工作室3D是一个软件包,它使一个简单易用的方法来创建互动式三维可视化 - 虚拟散步。建立可视化就像计算机程序位于一个文件,并且适合进一步分发和在网站上公布

PIXELPLAN Flow Architect Studio 3D is a software package that enables a simple and easy way to create interactive 3D visualization - virtual walks. Created visualizations are like a computer program, located in one file and are suitable for further distribution and publication on the website.

In PIXELPLAN Flow Architect Studio 3D

* You can quickly and easily create a visualization of any object
* You have to keep the facilities built preview (WYSIWYG)
* You have the ability to build any walls and create custom objects
* And deploy them freely
* You can arrange the lighting in a natural way
* And create animations of selected geometric objects
* You can use libraries of models, materials and textures
* You can generate the final visualization from Your project in a simple way
* You can import new models for libraries
* And build from scratch your own library
Visualization created using PIXELPLAN Flow Architect Studio 3D
* Is a computer program that allows you to walk freely in your visualization
* Uses the latest 3D technology
* Has dynamic lighting
* And dynamic shadows
* Allows to define a new dimension of visualization term., 建筑三维模拟设计软件(英文版),大小为35.1 MB, 类型为建筑软件,由本站免费提供下载,如果对建筑三维模拟设计软件(英文版), 工程软件下载有疑问可以联系本站。