1.工程简介 General of the project
This project is invested by Hangzhou Pesticide Factory and AVENTIS Company. The electric construction includes power distribution, electric lighting, earthing and communication. According to the specific natures of the project, some construction areas are separated into environments of explosion-proof and anticorrosion. The main capacity of electric construction are: 1080 meters of cable tray, 40000 meters of cables (power, lighting and control cables), 2800 meters of pipes, 413 sets of light fittings, 16 pieces of power panels, 14 pieces of lighting panels and 530 meters of earth wires.
2.编制依据 Basis for compiling
TECHNIP -天辰设计院提供的电气技术说明及施工图。
Technique instruction and construction drawings supplied by TECHNIP-TIANCHEN design institute.
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